Marisa P. Clark & Faun Studios

The Faun in Fashion

We are often asked, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Many respond with firefighters, nurses, artists, models, etc. It is interesting how recognizing the passions of our childhood can really give insight into ourselves as adults.

Summer Photoshoots From Calgary With Love – Marisa P. Clark

In my interview with Marisa P. Clark, a rapidly rising star in the sustainable fashion design world, we discussed these very moments. Clark grew up in Calgary, Alberta. During these formative years, her immigrant mother took a job as a seamstress. This initiated Clark’s direct connection to clothing and fashion. She would often “be asked to thread needles”, to help her mother. These treasured moments lead her to be interested in fiber arts.  

“I quickly got into embroidery so when the other family’s kids were doing finger-painting, I was sewing different patterns into pieces of scrap fabrics,” says Clark.  

Do what you love

She goes on to point out that it was these very memories that helped her navigate her current career. During our early adult years, many of us find ourselves trying to figure out what our calling is. Clark, also, was wading through expectations versus passions. In the end, her passion won out. Going into fashion was a conscious effort of leaving a lucrative path in business to venture into the career area that gave her joy.

She advises others to do “what it is that makes you happy” not out of obligations or thinking about what makes other people happy.

“Do it [career] because you enjoy it to your core” says Clark.

Find out more about how this young designer is making inroads with her sustainable, ready-to-wear line. As well as, how she moved from one career to another and still manages to return to Vancouver Fashion Week during these pandemic times.

Listen here:

Photo courtesy of George Pimentel

IMPORTANT LINKS to Marisa P. Clark & FAUN Studios:



