Life Changes and Career Moves-Interview with Kathy Harms

Have you been considering a career change? Recently, I spoke to Kathy Harms, an award-winning photographer and author. She walked down this very path taking a complete 180-degree turn.

Career changes; the beginning and back again

Kathy Harms started her career as a paramedic. Progressively she found herself working with the international aid agency CMAT (Canadian Medical Assistance Teams).  Following this endeavor, she decided to take on some administration roles for the Justice Institute of BC. However, something just wasn’t clicking. Her sense of identity was fading. This is when the shift began.

From the beginning and back again

Many years later, a newly broadened career as a writer and photographer brought Harms back to where she started. She has been touring around western Canada promoting her book, “Resilience in the Rubble”. This is a book about her time as an emergency responder during the earthquake in Kashmir, Pakistan in October 2005. The death toll had been estimated to be as high as 70,000 dead.

Relevance of “Resilience in the Rubble”

The difference with this publication, amongst the throngs of others, is Harms shares the attribution with her friend, Nadeem Malik. Malik was one of the local victims of the disaster. During the time of the quake, Malik was a young adult. In this true story, based on her extensive notes, Harms and Malik, recount what it is to be witness and victim in an environmental catastrophe.

You are probably wondering “Why would I want to read this book?” One important reason is that the book shines a light on the behind-the-scenes accounts of many of these aid agencies. Secondly, and most importantly, a reader learns what it might be like to experience a disaster firsthand. In recent times, when weather patterns are changing at a rapid pace, this information has become very applicable.  

The book is well-written with vivid descriptions. These create easily visualized pictures for the reader. As well, the tone of the book shares some light moments mixed in with the severity of the situation. It’s definitely one of those reads that is hard to put down.

Movement into Life Changes

Over and above Harms’ book tour, she has also started another writing project. You can follow along her journey as she documents her mother’s memoir of her life before having a family.  She is releasing chapters of her discovery on Substack.

Simultaneously, she has compiled a variety of prints based on her travels around Europe. Harms moved abroad and currently resides in Porto, Portugal with her husband, Michel. She pointed out that the calendar’s front cover was an image from their neighborhood.

During our twenty-minute interview, we talked about why she turned to photography and writing giving up a career in medicine and science. Career changes are never easy especially when you are not sure where to begin. But sometimes finding a sense of community and identity for oneself is tantamount to a fulfilling life. It was wonderful to hear Kathy Harms’ perspective on this and other points. Check out this interview from our previous Facebook Live Session:


Thanks to StreamYard video editing, I could include a rolling banner and our names during the Facebook Live event. This is my first effort to incorporate affiliate links into SeeChangeMakers webpage. 😉 If you want to know how to get a membership paid for CLICK the LINK.


Kathy Harms Creative WEBSITE

Article from “Just Write Porto – gives a more in-depth insight into her work as a writer living in Porto, Portugal

See Change Makers ARTICLE “Life Changes” on Career Change