We are here on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. We have come a long way. In the current global pandemic situation, we have realized how much human impact has actually affected the planet. It seems during this sudden pause, the earth is taking a breath. Animals are moving freely; waters are clearing and air emissions have been dramatically reduced.
Fifty years ago, the environmental movement was spawned by one of the largest environmental disasters of that time; the Santa Barbara Oil Spill. It came at the end of a decade that started out with the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.* The book laid out a warning against the harmful effects of DDT and other chemicals in the food chain. All of this during an era which was ripe with civil unrest and antiwar sentiment.
Now almost fifty years onward, we were seeing similar earmarks. As the world brought in massive protests aligned alongside Greta Thunberg’s environmental call, people started to pay attention again. Then suddenly all was put to rest or on hold. Now here we are on April 22nd, 2020, in a global social isolation brought on by a virus that has no borders. There have been many who have said this is nature calling out for us to pay attention.
Are we ready to listen this time?
*This is a New York Times article about Rachel Carson and her book, Silent Spring. You will be asked to sign in for FREE to read it (with no obligation to pay). I strongly suggest you do. I chose this article since it gives so much other information such as her background, the situation that motivated the book, etc. It is an exceptionally well-written piece and worth the sign-up. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

During a recent episode of Quirks & Quarks, host, Bob McDonald spoke with University of British Columbia oceanographer Philippe Tortell about his new book, Earth 2020: An Insider’s Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet— a collection of essays examining how our understanding of the environment has changed in the last half-century, and a better path forward for our planet. In his new publication, you will see a multitude of CHANGEMAKERS telling their stories.